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photo 2(3)We had our first night of small group tonight. When I got home, I had this note on my Facebook page. I’ll put this in the trophy case. It’s important to celebrate the tokens of appreciation our students shoot our way.

I Love Encouragement (Even if it’s not directed toward me)

I was at a Catalyst ministry conference last Friday when I saw this 4Runner with a message on the back window. Even though it’s not my car, I was still encouraged by seeing a church caring for their youth pastor. Coincidentally, I happen to have a black 4Runner just like this one, that may have helped me feel the love.

Great Example of Encouragment

I saw this blog post today on Suncrest Christian Church’s blog. This ministry “gets it” when it comes to encouraging volunteers, but also using their stories to inspire what they want others to do.

Stephanie Parks led the way to launching our Welcome table ministry at Suncrest-East. She has done an incredible job of pulling together a team and getting them organized to serve in this front line ministry. This week she told me she “reproduced” her role as Welcome Table leader. I jumped up and down because she embodied the value we have at Suncrest of reproducing leadership.

For us it is not enough to get a full team scheduled or to simply get the job done. A leader’s role is not done until they reproduce themselves. It’s not an easy challenge, but it is one of the most worthwhile things we can do as a leader. There are many reasons this is true:

* By doing this we make sure our ministry does not depend on us;
* We can focus on other ministry areas that we may be interested in;
* We expand the kingdom because new leaders are being raised up;
* We ensure that a ministry doesn’t grow stagnant because new leaders are stepping forward.

Way to go Stephanie!


Youth Ministry – This Is Why I’m Alive


Volunteers are MVP’s of Youth Ministry

I found this great post a youth pastor wrote to encourage volunteers. Here’s a clip:

For every youth volunteer out there, please read this! I want to commend you for all that you do. Without your help, youth pastors would not be able to minister to the youth…period. I have learned this invaluable lesson over the past couple of months. As much as I hate the “lone ranger” method, my wife helped me to realize that’s what we were doing for 3 years. I have had a handful of college helpers seasonally, but nothing long term (exception of one guy that has been with us since the beginning, Dale you rock!). Now we have a team of Adult volunteer leaders. Everything is changed now.

Click here to read the rest of this article: Volunteers are MVP’s of Youth Ministry « Live The Vision

Trophy Case: Encouragement from a Student

One of my former students sent this text message to me today. It’s so awesome when they remember what we do for them and come back to say thanks over the years. What we do as youth workers has an impact. They may not always think to say thanks. However, we can know that if we’re showing them the love of Christ and teaching them how to love him back, we’ve made an eternal investment in their lives.

Text Message From A Former Student

Text Message From A Former Student

Trophy Case: Serving Alongside A Former Student

Last weekend Kyle and I co-lead a cabin at our high school ministry’s discipleship retreat. It was a great time not only because we love being together, but because Kyle was one of my students who graduated from high school 2 years ago.

After the evening chapel service, I watched as Kyle led the discussion. I had plenty of notes I could have used to guide the conversation in case Kyle needed help. However, Kyle did a great job. I only chimed in once near the end when he asked for my input.

Seeing students come up to work alongside me is much more rare than I would like it to be. It’s so rewarding to see them owning their faith and pouring into the generation coming up behind them. Seeing Kyle do for others what I did for him is one of the best rewards a youth worker could ever hope for.

Kyle thinks we're just posing, but he's about to be covered with the snow in my hand

Kyle thinks we're just posing, but he's about to be covered with the snow in my hand

Our cabin guys

Our cabin guys

Trophy Case: A Gift of Appreciation from Students

I had a group of boys for 4 years in the small group Bible study I teach. At the end-of-the-year party their senior year, they surprised me with this video and a Build-A-Bear they made for me. These are two of my prized possessions. It’s one of the coolest thing a group of students has ever done for me… not that I expect them to do things for me. This probably added a few years to my longevity as a youth worker.

Side note: The only site I could find that would allow me to upload this video without cutting out the sound was The other sites like YouTube removed the sound because of the songs playing in the background. FYI to anybody having the same issue.

Trophy Case – Former Student Shows Some Love

Text message conversation with a former student today

Text message conversation with a former student today

This is a great sign of fruit from ministry. This former student is finding Christian friends, joining a small group, starting an accountability relationship and showing appreciation for people who have helped him along the way. This is what we’re after… students who don’t graduate from their faith when they graduate from our ministries.