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Dennis has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here Has Moved

As of October 2, 2009, new posts will not appear here for The URL is now pointing to a new server. If you have links to via, please update them.

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Moving To A New Server may disappear for a little while tonight. I’m in the process of moving to a new server. Hopefully it will only be offline for a little while.

Great things are ahead.

Thanks for visiting,


Service Opportunity: Feed My Starving Children has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here

Today our high school ministry served a mission organization called Feed My Starving Children. By packaging small bags with rice, soy and dried veggies, we were able to provide food to feed 57 children for a year. I highly recommend this as a service opportunity for students in your ministry. They’ll even come to your location so you don’t have to travel.

All of the details are on their website at

Here are some stats from our efforts today:

We packaged 20,736 meals in 2 hours
That will feed 57 children for a year

Another group served yesterday. Combining our efforts with theirs, here are more life-changing stats:

113,000 meals packaged
That’s enough to feed 311 kids for a year

All of that is to show a big difference can be made with even a small amount of time. We had 85 people working today. I don’t know how many people helped yesterday.

Here’s some more information about this mission organization:

Their website is
Each meal costs 15 cents
$14 will feed a child for about 3 months
They have videos on their website about their work
On their website you can get information about helping them package meals
We had a fun time, they were very organized and easy to work with

High School Ministry Baptism Tonight at Saddleback Church has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here

Tonight we baptized students after the high school service. I shot a video to share the event. Tonight was more of a celebration than normal. However, I think it would be great if this became normal. So much fun and affirming of the student being baptized! This never gets old. I love it!

Enabling MMS on iPhone Today has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here

Thanks to Kyle for sending this to me today. Fellow iPhone users will be interested. If you’re a regular reader, you’ll know I believe smart phones are an incredibly useful tool for youth ministry. This update will make the iPhone even more useful for that.
Date: September 25, 2009 6:21:28 PM GMT+01:00
Subject: AT&T iPhone MMS Launches Today
Source: TheAppleBlog
Author: Darrell Etherington

According to the Twittersphere, AT&T has begun flipping the switch on MMS across the U.S. today. Sources say that AT&T will be sending out text messages, beginning at 10 A.M. EST today, to notify customers when MMS service is available for their use.

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News: Doug Fields is Resigning From Saddleback Church has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here

This is big news, but there’s nothing wrong. Yesterday, Doug Fields announced he is resigning from Saddleback Church after taking two months off to pray about it. The only reason I mention it here is to be one more source getting the truth out ahead of any rumors that might pop up.

Nothing is wrong with Doug and there’s not a rift between Doug and Saddleback Church. Doug is actually slated to speak several times over the next two months in the adult service at Saddleback Church.

Click here to read the announcement about the resignation

Please Pray For My Sister has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here

UPDATE 2: My brother-in-law let me know tonight that my sister is now cancer-free! The tumor was egg-size when they originally discovered it. However, after her chemo therapy treatments, it was the size of a pea when they removed it. It was so small, in fact, there wasn’t enough there to do whatever tests they wanted to do on it. She still has follow-up chemo to endure, but the doctor said she is free of cancer! Great news!

UPDATE 1: I received a message from my brother-in-law that the cancer had not moved to the lymph nodes. They also have the tumor out and are finishing up the surgery within the next 3 hours.

Mom_and_RhondaToday my sister, Rhonda, is going to have 3 cancerous tumors removed from her pancreas. The operation will go from 12:00 – 5:00 (CST).

The good news is she has responded very well to chemo therapy and the doctors give her a good prognosis. When you pray, please pray especially for my mom. She’s been taking this kind of hard. Since my brother died in ’97, she’s a bit more scared when anything happens to us.

I’ll post an update as I know more.



Parker and Boyd are Coming to! has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here

Parker_and_Boyd_eParker and Boyd are starting their first full year as volunteers in High School Ministry at Saddleback Church. We’re going to get to follow them through their first year as they figure out what they got themselves into. It’s going to be fun.

As they navigate working with a group of senior guys, they’re going write about their discoveries and lessons learned and post them here on

Stay tuned!

I Love When This Happens! has moved to a new location. To catch up on the latest tips, videos, free resources and conference information click here

I went over to today and saw they published my article Helping Families Through Conflict. I’m sure I sent it to them at one point, but never knew it got posted.

If you have any use for material on this blog, please feel free to use it. All I ask is that you cite and include a link back to the original blog post.