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Testimony: Nathan’s Story of Being Invited To Act

Last night at church, Nathan told me about a new ministry at church he’s been invited to participate in. He was invited by somebody who saw him doing a skit for the High School Ministry. The excitement in Nathan’s eyes showed how much this new venture meant to him. I asked him to write his story so I could post it here. The point is for this to be an example of the importance of an invitation to ministry.

Here’s a video of the skit Nathan mentions in his testimony. It was very well done and had a great impact on our service that week. Nathan’s testimony is below.

Hello my name is Nathan Ochoa. I am a senior at El Toro High school. Recently the church I attended (Saddleback Church) had a weekend in which the local high schools put on a weekend service, with almost every aspect of the service run by high school students.  When El Toro’s weekend came up being one of the known student leaders at my school and our high school ministry (HSM).  As a part of our student produced and run weekend, we wanted to put on the Lifehouse-Everything Skit and I took the lead role as Jesus.  After hours and hours of practice we preformed at all four of our weekend services, and 4people gave their lives to Christ after seeing the skit and relating to the girl with all of her struggles.  Little did I know after putting on this skit for HSM did the head director of the drama department saw the skit and contacted me about auditioning for a lead role in this ministry’s first every play.  I have little to no experience with acting. I was really hesitant about this opportunity. I went to my family and friends asking them for advice on whether to go with the audition and possibly embarrass myself or not respond to the email and go about life like it never happened.  After a couple of days and the audition date was fast approaching I decided to go ahead and run with this God given opportunity!
After the audition I was called back! Turns out I got not the lead role but a smaller role (a lot smaller) which has like 15lines or something, but that didn’t bother me at all.  Just getting a part in this play that I thought I wasn’t good enough to even try-out just showed me that this could of been something I would of missed if I didn’t give it all to God and run with this. I guess to close this please if you are unsure about a opportunity that comes up, to pray about it and run with it.  I would of missed this window that opened for me and I would not like for it to happen to someone else.

Thank you for your time and God bless,
Nathan Ochoa